Welcome to DOX… a community of 31 floating homes.

DOX is one of the first floating home cooperatives in Seattle. Located on the Fairview side of Lake Union in the Eastlake neighborhood, we are next to the Cheshiahud Loop (Lake Union Loop) which intersects with both the Ship Canal Trail and the Burke-Gilman Trail.

This site was designed specifically for Members, Residents and Realtors to access information of a confidential, legal or personal nature pertaining to DOX.

So…what is a floating home?

It is not a boathouse or a houseboat. It sits in the water, but never goes anywhere. It is a legally-permitted structure, with no means of self-propulsion. It occupies a permanent moorage berth and is taxed. Floating homes comply with all applicable codes. They are connected to City utilities and services, including water, electricity, gas, telephone, cable television and sewer.

There’s nothing really any different about a floating home than a land house – except that it is on the water. Floating homes have the same kind of rooms, floors, staircases, bathrooms and kitchen equipment. And, there are just as many styles and designs of floating homes as there are traditional land-built homes. The differences are mostly in the care and maintenance. And…definitely…the lifestyle.

Only minutes from the downtown…when you arrive at home you are in another world. Ducks walk down the dock. You can run errands or commute to work by kayak. Float planes land and take off.

No more lawn mowers.

Gardening is done in pots (every size imaginable). And container gardens can be spectacular. Every house has some kind of boat whether it be a battered canoe, a sleek kayak or a 35+ foot yacht.

All of us who live here share one thing in common...the love of water…and we value the gift of the life we have here.