We are located on Lake Union at 2219 and 2235 Fairview Ave E, Seattle, WA, 98102. To reach us you need to get to the bottom of Lynn St where it hits Fairview Ave E (and Lake Union) just south of Pete's Super Market.


Cross the U-bridge and go South a mile on EASTLAKE.

Right onto Lynn

Go all the way downhill on Lynn to the lake (Pete's Super Market will be on your right).

Turn Left onto Fairview Ave and park on the street (sorry, no guest parking in the lot).

Walk down a short driveway into a small parking lot

2219 Fairview is the Left/Southern dock, 2235 is the Right/Northern dock.

From the NORTH

Go South on I-5, exit #168A, straight onto BOYLESTON

Right onto Lynn

Go all the way downhill on Lynn to the lake (Pete's Super Market will be on your right).

Turn Left onto Fairview Ave and park on the street (sorry, no guest parking in the lot).

Walk down a short driveway into a small parking lot

2219 Fairview is the Left/Southern dock, 2235 is the Right/Northern dock.

From the SOUTH

Go North on I-5, exit LAKEVIEW #168A.

Left at the stop sign

Left onto Lynn

Go all the way downhill on Lynn to the lake (Pete's Super Market will be on your right).

Turn Left onto Fairview Ave and park on the street (sorry, no guest parking in the lot).

Walk down a short driveway into a small parking lot

2219 Fairview is the Left/Southern dock, 2235 is the Right/Northern dock.

Directions on the Water

We are located on the east side of Lake Union, about halfway down the lake. Locate a prominent six-story apartment building that is white with blue trim. We are the 2nd and 3rd docks south of that building. Lake Union is connected to Elliott Bay and Puget Sound via the Chittenden Locks, and is connected to Lake Washington via Portage Bay.


2219 and 2235 Fairview Ave E
Seattle, WA 98102